Learn about
the physics at the
Relativistic Heavy
Ion Collider (RHIC)
Aerial view of the RHIC
complex--Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York.
Outlined is the path heavy-ions make in their journey from 0 to
99.95% the speed of light: heavy-ions are initially stripped of their
electrons in the Tandem Van de Graff; in the booster synchrotron they
“surf” their way to 37% the speed light on the downhill slope of
radio frequency waves; and in the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
(AGS) they accelerate to 99.7% the speed of light, at which point the
heavy-ions are ready to enter RHIC.
Learn about
the PHENIX experiment
reconstruction from a full energy
Au+Au collision as recorded by Phenix.
Learn about
the CMS Physics